My story. Cancer and all.

Hi, I'm Ceca

Certified life coach, mathematician, and previous C-suite executive (aka corporate junkie).

I love to travel, cook, paint with my nieces, and am as fascinated with Nikola Tesla as I am with ancient Egypt.

I’m compassionate, creative, and a little bit silly.

I also had cancer.

But, as you can probably tell by now, I never let that define me.

Rather than treating my diagnosis as a crisis or a sticking point, I chose to use it as a catalyst for change --

Coaching myself through the deep, dark, murky parts of my dis-ease to a point of complete transformation.

I got more out of my cancer than it got out of me.


My Mission

To help women with cancer reach their highest healing potential and transform their lives by using cancer as a powerful catalyst for change

Transformations have been part of my story for years

I spent my entire corporate career transforming the structures and technologies behind a stack of Fortune 100 companies and ambitious startups, and I was always the go-to person in my friendship group when anyone needed support or advice on a major life transition.

Six years ago, I decided to take the leap into life coaching. Once I made the move, I immediately knew I was conspiring with my clients and the universe…

In short, I was finally in the flow.

My own transformation started in 2011

While I’ve been on a spiritual journey for couple of decades, it wasn’t until several years ago that I got serious about intentionally creating and changing my life to better align to my authentic self. Part of that change was starting my life coaching business. I ran it alongside my corporate job for four years, and just as I was about to take the plunge and resign so I could coach full-time, I was diagnosed with stage 1 uterine cancer. And, as if that wasn’t enough, further genetic testing revealed that I am at even higher risk for colon and bladder cancers. 

Initially, I was in shock. I felt lost and confused, and had no idea what the hell I should do next. 


It wasn’t until my brother said to me, "You're the best person to get this kind of news. With all of your coaching experience, with all of your spiritual work, you - better than anybody else - can go through this," that I was able to gain my footing.


As soon as he said that, I was free to center myself and be calm.

I started taking note of what felt overwhelming, what felt right, and what felt really clean, so I could find the best possible way through.

I surrendered to everything I’d picked up from my work as a life coach and decided to let myself be guided; to trust the energy, or universe, intuition or life flow - whatever you want to call it - to guide me through what treatments and practitioners I chose, and how I approached the journey as a whole.

By the time I met with my oncologist to get the pathology report results, I was in charge of my health, my life, and my body, regardless of the outcome, or "the news" I was going to receive. I felt calmly and firmly at the center of what was happening. It was clear to me that this was a huge opportunity for awakening.

I’ll spare you the nitty gritty details of the rest of my journey, but after three surgeries, months of recovery, early menopause, and one very close call with death (seriously, my mom and brother were planning my funeral), I was declared cancer free.


Rather than emerging battered and bruised, and running away from the experience as fast as I could, I came out strong, clear-headed, and grateful ( ← I know it’s weird to see this word in a story about cancer… but isn’t it also kind of awesome?).


I’d used my cancer as an opportunity to ask myself all the important questions, working hard to understand who I was, what I was scared of, and how my life was serving me.


And, once I had the answers, I started making changes, creating the future I was always meant to have.


My cancer journey was about so much more than just survival

I used it to:


βœ”      Discover a whole new level of openness and connection

βœ”      Streamline my life and make myself a priority

βœ”      Jump, heart-first, into my true purpose, and

βœ”      Shape the rest of my life for the better 


I'm here to help you do the same!

Certifications & Credentials

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." - A. Einstein

I am a Certified Martha Beck Life Coach™ and Certified Kolbe Consultant™. I have also been trained in Shamanic Soul Retrieval by Sandra Ingerman, and in Ancient Mayan Healing by Ann Drucker. I’ve received training in family constellations as well.

My educational background is in Applied Mathematics. In my professional career, I have leaned on math as a philosophy, more so than a science. Its natural laws, constructs, abstractions, and patterns have helped me in my 25-year career in business and technology.

During my corporate career I was in numerous leadership roles at Fortune 50 companies as well as startups. The interactions with high level executives and senior management on both professional and personal levels, as well as working with clients in my coaching practice, have greatly helped define Truth & Dare Cancer’s charter.


Start transforming your cancer from a thing you have into a healing process you can master

I got more our of my cancer than it got out of me, and I'll help you do the same!


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