Cancer stole your drive and your direction...


Your cancer journey so far has been a big step into the unknown

Despite the fact you have a full team of doctors on your case (seriously, it feels like you need an event coordinator to manage all your appointments!), no one can answer one simple question…

"What can I expect?"

Sure — There are averages and probabilities, and long lists of possible side-effects, but at the end of the day, you don’t know where to go. You don’t know what’s ahead. You’re constantly waiting to find out the next step —

"What treatment? What test? What's next?"

There’s so much to take in and process, but it feels like no one has the urgency to truly take care of you. To sit with you, explain everything, and give you some kind of clarity. Much less guide you through your cancer journey, step by step.

The constant not-really-knowing is getting the best of you

So instead of putting all your focus into healing (whatever that looks like for you), you’re stuck in uncertainty and overwhelm.  

You’re scared. 

And you feel completely helpless, which is not at all how you’ve approached the rest of your life.

Hey, friend? 

I guarantee you’re not alone. 

Thousands of strong, professional women find themselves in exactly the same situation from the moment they get their diagnosis. 

But this doesn’t have to be your experience

âś”     You can find a way to remain calm in the chaos…

âś”     To take control of how you’re feeling…

âś”     To rediscover your power to choose…

âś”     To connect with like-minded women who are committed to healing and growth...

âś”     And to prime your mind, body, and soul for healing.


Welcome to DARE Cancer

A supportive and structured online coaching community for women with breast cancer and female reproductive system cancers who want to take charge of their health, their body, and their outcome -- And put themselves back in the driver’s seat.

DARE Cancer is the kind of community that can help you HEAL

It’s a safe space, full of women who speak your language, know what you’re going through, and aren’t afraid to keep it real.

DARE Cancer is a powerful new solution that:

  +   gives you tangible how-to tools and knowledge

  +   coaches you through your sticking points, and

  +   connects you with other women facing the same challenges

So you can move through your cancer journey feeling clear, calm, and *seriously* empowered.

Once you join DARE Cancer, you get:

Video Lessons

Bi-weekly, on-demand lessons packed full of implement-now techniques and tools to help you navigate your cancer journey, and put everything into practice, step by step

LIVE Training + Q&A

Monthly advanced training calls led by a certified coach and cancer survivor (that's me) where I’ll teach, provide inspiration and answer members' questions

Exclusive Community

24/7 access to a members-only FB community of like-minded women where we keep you accountable and provide daily support and answers, making sure you never feel lonely, lost, or overwhelmed

Weekly Pep Talk

Weekly inspiring talk helping you feel more courageous, confident and enthusiastic about taking on daily endeavors while healing your body and your life

Guided Meditations

To help purposely bring your attention to experiences occurring in the present moment without judgment, through the practice of meditation

Bonus Podcasts

Bonus listener Q&A episodes only available to DARE Cancer members that help you apply the teaching to real-world situations in your own life

Video Lessons: Every month, you get two new video lessons on two of these topics…

+ mindset (so you can manage your anxiety and overcome overwhelm, no matter what your cancer throws at you)

+ emotional intelligence (so you can navigate your relationships in this strange new landscape)

+ nutrition and wellness (so you know exactly what to do to help your body heal from the inside out)

spirituality (so you can go deeper and connect with what’s truly meaningful)


The end result? You’re back in control, and continuously priming your mind, body, and soul to heal.

Let's heal together!

"Working with Ceca is like being illuminated. She’s powerful, clear, and focused, and cuts right through my limiting beliefs and stories. This ability, combined with her life experience, healing wisdom, and keen intuition -- makes Ceca a badass change agent who supports my ongoing transformation."

Marie Rodriguez

"She invited me to find the courage to rediscover myself and redefine who I am. Ceca’s insight and compassion helped me to dive deep while feeling safe and anchored. Her unique way of looking at situations not only brought up the solutions I was looking for, but made me aware of myself in a whole new way."

Afshan Samee


Hi, I'm Ceca!

Certified life coach, mathematician, and previous C-suite executive (aka corporate junkie). 

Not that any of that prepared me for my own cancer journey.  

Yep, by all accounts I was a smart, capable woman, used to making fast decisions, and being in control at all times. 

But my diagnosis really threw me.  

Luckily I caught myself in time to turn it all around. 

There was a point in my journey where I decided to stand in my power and take control in a totally new way. I — 

  •    Took an active role in my treatment, surrounding myself with the best possible team 
  •    Used my cancer to create space for what was actually important
  •    Worked hard to understand who I was, what I was scared of, and how my life was (and was not) serving me
  •    And, ultimately, created the future I was always meant to have

 It wasn’t my cancer itself that set me apart.  

It’s what I did with it.  

And now I’m working with women just like you. Because I believe there’s a way to use cancer to rediscover yourself and your power to choose.  

You just need the right tools. 

"I was lucky to have Ceca guide and coach me through the re-creation of myself when I most needed it. I believe I avoided many pitfalls and unproductive paths with the insights she offered. In place of repeating negative thought structures about my immediate circumstance, she presented new ideas and activities which enabled me to witness my mind and examine the focus of my energy. I was able to re-frame my life experience in the broader context of my unique version of our human journey. This perspective imparted awareness and allowed healing. "


Wondering if DARE Cancer is right for you?

If you’re this far down the page, chances are it’s a yes. But let’s make it official: If you can tick 3 or more of these boxes, you’re exactly the kind of woman DARE Cancer exists to help

âś”    You WANT to take charge of your health, body, and outcome

âś”    You believe in empowered healing and transformation for a more meaningful life, beyond just survival

âś”    You’re serious about showing up for yourself, and doing the inner work

âś”    You’re determined to change your life for the better, regardless of external circumstances

âś”     You want to be in a room with like minded women, and are open to giving AND receiving support

âś”    You follow through on investments and commitments 


Ticked 3 or more? You’re in exactly the right place.

And I can’t wait to help you recalibrate your life, step — firmly — into your power, and prime your mind, body, and soul to heal.   


So… you with me? Let's heal together!

Hovering over one of those 'Apply Now’ buttons, wondering whether DARE Cancer will really, truly help?

Hey, I get it. It can be hard to imagine stepping into yourself and taking control when you’re feeling confused, overwhelmed, and weak (thanks, chemo)

But here’s the thing…

If you don’t invest in the support you need to find your way through, your cancer experience probably won’t be much different from what it is right now. 

That fear you get, deep in your belly and high in your throat, every time you go to an appointment or wait for a result? 

--- That will still be there. 

The frustration you feel, when the people around you treat you as a walking, talking illness, instead of the person you’ve always been?

--- That’s unlikely to change. 

The confusion that takes over, when someone asks you to make a choice between options you don’t fully understand?

--- It’s not going to budge. 

And the feeling of everything being out of your control?

--- That will stick around too. 

The fact you’re experiencing all these things is not your fault. Truly. 

--- No one prepared you for cancer. 

But now you have a chance to prepare yourself for everything from here on in, with someone who’s already done the work, and a community of ladies who are doing the work right by your side.  

--- The choice is yours to make. 

Let's heal together.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have additional questions? Email to hello (at) truthanddarecancer (dot) com

You can join DARE Cancer at any time! It’s a year-round membership, which means there’s no set start date. As soon as you join, you’ll get access to all existing resources, training lessons, and recorded coaching sessions, as well as the tight-knit community. It’s important to me that you feel supported and get the help you need right from the get-go. 

While the free Facebook community is a place where you can connect with like-minded women, DARE Cancer is a structured membership. Joining gives you access to new resources, coaching, and training every month, as well as a smaller, more connected group of women who are serious about taking control of their healing. It’s a membership specifically designed to move you out of fear, overwhelm, and confusion and in to clarity, power, and healing. 

Yes, as long as you’re okay with the fact some of the symptoms, treatments, and side effects being discussed in the group might be different to your own. The resources, training lessons, and live coaching sessions are relevant for all women with cancer who want to take control of their healing, so if that’s you, you belong inside, no matter what your diagnosis.

The monthly membership is a great way to get started. With monthly VIP membership you get everything that's included in the Monthly plus more coaching and access to Ceca, along with personalized private 1:1 coaching sessions.

Yes. You can upgrade from Monthly membership to Monthly VIP or Annual VIP down the road.

If you join using the annual subscription (Rise Annual or Shine VIP Annual), you can cancel and request a refund within the first 30 days of joining. If you join using Rise Monthly or Shine VIP Monthly subscription, you are not eligible for refunds (as we deliver for you immediately!). However, you may choose to manually opt-out of the monthly subscription at any time before your next billing date by emailing us at dare (at) truthanddarecancer (dot) com

Your monthly subscription price will not change unless you choose to cancel your subscription. Cancellation ends your monthly stated price of this purchase. At this point, if you choose to purchase the DARE Cancer subscription again, you will be subject to the rate of the membership at the time of sign-up.

No problem! DARE Cancer is designed so you can dive in on your own schedule. All live trainings will be recorded and uploaded so you can access them when you want, where you want, and to what extent you feel you can handle.

Disclaimer: The content of this website and the DARE Cancer Membership is based on research conducted by Cecasphere Inc. unless otherwise noted. The information is presented for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or prescribe for any medical or psychological condition, nor to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure such conditions. The information contained herein is not intended to replace a one-to-one relationship with a doctor or qualified healthcare professional. Therefore, this information is not intended as medical advice, but rather a sharing of knowledge and information based on research and experience. Cecasphere Inc. encourages you to make your own health care decisions based on your judgment and research in partnership with a qualified healthcare professional.


DARE Cancer Waitlist * Let's heal together!

Your details are safe with me. I'll only use this information to send you updates about Truth & Dare Cancer programs and promotions, as well as the occasional email about topics I think you'll find useful. You can unsubscribe at any time.